A kink is a distinctive characteristic or behaviour, often resulting from past experiences or traumas, that can negatively impact a character's personality, social standing, physical abilities, or inherent talent. Kinks introduce challenges or drawbacks to a character's abilities or situation.
These bring complexity and a little depth to a character, making their narrative richer and more compelling to other players. In essence, kinks are designed to be a captivating and dynamic facet of roleplaying, allowing players to craft characters with deeper backstories and vulnerabilities.
Many Kinks are temporary and can be alleviated through medical treatments or counselling.
Marked Visage
AP: 0
Your face bears significant scars or deformities, perhaps the remnants of a past battle or a congenital condition. These visible signs of damage often unsettle those you meet, causing you to have a -1 penalty on social checks, particularly when attempting to charm or appeal to someone.
Shaky Grip
AP: 0
Whether due to a past injury, nerve damage, or sheer anxiety, your hands are prone to shakes and tremors. This leads to a -1 penalty on skill checks that require the handling of delicate equipment or tools, as your grip isn't as steady as it should be.
Broken limbs
AP: 0
They healed but you will never move as before. -1 in Athletic & Acrobatic checks
A Blind Eye
AP: 0
Through injury, genetics or other circumstances, your eyesight is not what it used to be. This results in a -1 penalty on Perception and Investigation checks relying on visual acuity.
Overly Forgiving
AP: 0
At heart you’re just too nice a person that would prefer to forgive someone than start a Conflict. During the course of an adventure, if you forgive, turn the other cheek or release a captured opponent the game master can reward you with Luck Points.
Note: GM’s should ensure the player really does forgive something that no one else would. If it comes back to bite them in the bum, that's just a bonus.
AP: 0
What is it about you? You exude an odd presence that people find unsettling. When anyone encounters you for the first time, they must make a Morale check against a target number equivalent to 4 + your Psyche Trait.
Should they fail this check, they immediately develop an aversion to you; your eerie demeanour makes social interactions more challenging. However, with time and through your actions, you have the ability to overcome their initial impressions.
Bonus: + 4 to social target numbers - you’re just too strange!
Fauna Friction
AP: 0
You’re really not good with animals, you have a distinctive demeanour that animals find unsettling. When attempting a skill check involving Animal Handling or Riding skills, the target number is increased by your Psyche Trait. Furthermore, when encountering wild animals, they are more likely to target you for aggression over your party members.
Note: “Wild Animal” is classified as any creature with an Acumen of d4 or lower.
Drunk, Booze Hound
AP: 0
You have a bad habit of doing crazy, dangerous and sometimes illegal things while blackout drunk. When a player decides to drink, the game master either Rolls on the following table to determine what you did or makes up something far worse.
Note: If the character's teammates intervene, or the player doesn’t roleplay to repercussions then you receive no additional Luck Points at the end of the adventure.